By Alberto Perez
Teacher: Gloria Munoz-Hughes, Thousand Oaks School
Award: Honorable Mention, Fifth Grade Essay
One night I was at my Uncle’s house and I was going into his room and I tripped on one of his shoes he sloppily left on the ground like I would. Then, I cracked my chin open, and I started to cry and blood was all over the place.
My cousin carried me downstairs, and after my cousin carried me down, I thought I would never see the light of day.Then they rushed me to the Emergency Room and I went into the Doctor’s office and said, “Is it going to hurt me a lot when you do what you have to do?
And after I asked the question, he said, “Stitches or glue?” and I said, “Glue.” Then he put superglue on my chin and it burned so bad I thought a little piece of the sun was on my chin.Then after a while it stopped burning.
The moral of this awful moment, that literally scared me for life, is “always watch where you step”.